Clearing the Queue

There are times when I look at the number of games I have whether it’s on Steam, Origin, Twitch or Epic and wonder why I keep buying them and then not playing them.  In my case, I buy games that appear interesting to me or stockpile game giveaways.  Currently I have over 150 games between those four platforms.  The funny thing is I get these games thinking, I really want to play that and then end up saying I’ll get to it later.  Most of the time this is because of WoW, but sometimes it’s just because of how daunting that list is.

My current foray through the Dragon Age titles is part of me trying to rectify that.  While I’ve played all three, until the last week or so, I had never actually finished even one of them.  Not because they aren’t great games, but because I would buy them, start them and then get distracted with something else.  I finished Dragon Age: Origins last week, Alistar married and King, hero dead.  I am currently working my way through Dragon Age 2.  I initially started as a mage and then ended up starting over when I got to the Ashiok fight because I had put myself into an unwinnable situation.

I kind of feel that is what I’ve done with my game backlog as well, so what I’ve decided is that this year I’m going to make a concerted effort to go back and finish some of these games that I haven’t played or haven’t finished.  I started with Dragon Age and will play that until I’m through Inquisition, then I will start to work my way through the rest of my backlog.  I have Telltale games, Lego games, and bunch of random games that I’ve either never started or started, but didn’t finish

As I work through these games, I’ll write about them and my experiences playing them.  It will probably be slow going, after all I do still play WoW, Overwatch, Diablo and Destiny and tend to spend a bit of time in them, but I will continue to make time to play these other games and push my way through them.

Thanks again for reading my rambling.  Hope you have enjoyed it.

Posted on April 18, 2019, in General. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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